As the 2023-24 Basketball Season is now underway, please help your assigners by keeping your Arbiter information up to date.
The most important thing you can do to help us is by accepting your assignments right away. If you can’t do the game, then decline it so we can look for another official. When you receive an assignment, go to your Schedule, click the Accept checkbox and then click Submit to complete the acceptance. There is a new feature in Arbiter that allows you to accept or decline the game right from your email. No matter how you take the action, please do it quickly. It makes a big difference for us.
Please note that if you do decline an assignment, it does not block you on that date. But it is helpful if you can’t work on a date, let us know. Which means you should pay special attention to your Arbiter calendar. To view your calendar, use the BLOCKS menu choice. If you cannot work a particular date, please block it. If you cannot do a game during your working hours, block the hours you are not available. Maintain these blocks to assist assigners who are looking for officials to work games. Pay special attention to important dates such as birthdays, anniversaries, etc.
Something new is now required to use the Arbiter system. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) will now be mandatory for officials who accept payment through Arbiter Pay. MFA adds an extra layer of protection. Once setup, you will have to enter a code that is texted to you once you log in to Arbiter. You can find out more at Here are the instructions for setting up MFA:
Verify you are “Ready To be Assigned” by making sure the box is checked on your main dashboard in Arbiter. If it’s not checked, assigners cannot see you and therefore cannot assign you games.
Update your profile if needed. Click on the PROFILE tab and then on INFORMATION. Be sure that all the information listed is correct. Contact information is vital. Please have at least one phone number available. Our preference is that you list your mobile number. If you need to add a phone number, click on the + sign. Also ensure your phone number is marked Public.
You should setup your account to receive Arbiter Alert updates via email and/or text by going to “Profile”, then “Preferences” and then choosing the types of alerts you wish to receive. This can help rectify any future email address blocking issues. Also, please note there have been some inconsistencies in these reminders. Always refer to your Arbiter schedule to verify game dates, times and locations. If you are not receiving these updates, your email or text might be blocked by Arbiter. Call them at 800-311-4060 and ask them to check it for you.
You should also share your CHSBA calendar with your other Arbiter accounts. This is easily accomplished by checking the groups on the upper left portion of your blocks (Calendar) page.
Please also upload a picture of yourself. It should be a “head shot” and can easily be taken as a selfie on your phone. THIS IS REQUIRED. It doesn’t have to be fancy, but it should be clear enough for someone to see who you are. This is useful when a coach or AD wants to praise your work or in helping your assignors get to know who’s who. We don’t need a shot of your kids, or your puppy, or your boat, or even your significant other. Just YOU, head and shoulders, no action shots, please! It’s not your Facebook page; it’s your professional representation of you as an official.
ArbiterMobile is especially useful during the season. I would strongly suggest you install it on your phone. There is no charge to use the app. Click here for instructions.
On behalf of all of your CHSBA Assigners, thank-you. Good luck this season and stay healthy!
Dave Lopshire
Lead Administrator, CHSBA Arbiter